大马Nature Republic面子书专页宣布大马Nature Republic全国的11间分行即将全面关闭。
以下是大马Nature Republic面子书所发出的照片:
▼自Nature Republic 在脸书上发文将关闭全马的11分行,支持者都不能接受这个消息。
▼ 网友们都纷纷留言为是什么原因要关闭所有分行,Nature Republic Malaysia 刚开始的留言是叫网友们自己去判断。
▼ 网友们还是不死心的问,所以Nature Republic Malaysia 放了一个链接来证实这个消息!而且链接还有解释关闭的原因哦!!
▼ 这时网友们惊慌了,问Nature Republic Malaysia几时是最后一天!
▼ 网友们也留言关闭了分行但不要关闭网上买卖的,但没有得到Nature Republic Malaysia正式回应!
▼ 网友们深怕网上也买不到了,纷纷标记朋友在Nature Republic 关闭前一起加入扫货行列。
▼ 网友们都留言说他们这家的产品很不粗,很舍不得。
▼ 最后这位的网友的留言让小编我也笑了,她竟然是要Exo 的人形立牌….. 哈哈哈!!!
▼ 不过为了清空存货,大马Nature Republic的11家分行不会马上关闭,如果想买芦荟凝胶的朋友现在就赶快去吧!(知道卖完为止)

▼ 讲了半天到底是什么原因要关闭呢?你们已经忘记刚才那个链接了吗?!都只想到赶快去扫货都不想知道原因吗?
Investors urging sale on Nature Republic majority stake
South Korea’s budget cosmetics company Nature Republic Co. whose name was tarnished after its founder and former chief executive Jung Woon-ho was embroiled in an illegal gambling scandal last year and a string of violence and lobbying charges this year could be put up for sale.
A number of private equity funds from home and abroad are said to be interested in the company.
According to the investment banking industry on Thursday, PEFs from home and abroad and Chinese investors have been approaching the cosmetics company to sell the 73.88 percent stake owned by Jung and the management right. Some investors already handed in letters of intent (LoI). The corporate value for the full stake is estimated at about 600 billion won ($544 million) to 900 billion won. “The investors are pressing Jung to sell the management right for the sake of both the company and himself before the management of the company further deteriorates,” said an official of the investment banking industry.
Nature Republic has suffered from deteriorating earnings since he was imprisoned in October last year. The company recorded 1.8 billion won in operating loss in the first half of this year. With the CEO’s absence lasting longer, it reported a loss compared with 16.3 billion won in net profit during the same period last year. The company had planned to go public last year in order to expand its presence in the Chinese market but the plan has been postponed indefinitely. Industry observers predict that the company is unlikely to be listed within this year.
Kim Chang-ho who had been in charge of distribution management and sales was named as the new CEO in June has been trying to revitalize the company and opened stores in the U.S. and Russia.