Starbucks 今天推出最新优惠, 那就是购买两杯饮料只需20令吉!换句话说,一杯饮料才RM10而已呢!
是不是觉的很划算呢? 那到底有什么条件呢?
优惠地点:全马分行(除了SunwayLagoon和 Petronas Starbucks On The Go分行)
Join us once again as we are counting down for a special celebration this year. Rejoice as it’s only RM20 for any 2 Grande handcrafted beverages today from 6 pm to 9 pm! Have a Funday Monday and we will see you at our stores.
Terms and conditions:
1. Not valid with other discounts or promotions.
2. Not entitled for Starbucks Card reward.
3. Upsize is chargeable at RM2
4. Valid at all Starbucks stores in Malaysia except Sunway Lagoon kiosk and Starbucks On The Go at Petronas.