Brand Outlet最近举行促销啦~服装当然是便宜,便宜,便宜!价格从RM10开始!不同的分行促销时间有区别哦!
促销活动:Brands Outlet清仓促销
促销地点:BO IPC Shopping Centre, PJ, BO Ampang Point, KL & BO Bukit Indah, JB 分行

The shopping fever is back!
Visit Brands Outlet Fair from 18th Aug 2018 till 2nd Sep 2018.
Come and enjoy great bargains on your favourite brands and items at incredibly low rates! Items are as low as RM10!
Promotion is only valid at
BO IPC Shopping Centre, PJ
BO Ampang Point, KL
BO Bukit Indah, JB
No Fitting. No Exchange. No Refund. No Reservation.
T&C applied.