
根据Tealive Muar在面子书发布的贴文表示,在7月17日当天有位狭义的常客在店里的厕所发现一个装在刷子中的针孔相机。
Dear all customers,
Due to the incident , we shall do all the necessary steps to prevent it happens again & kindly continue to support our business and not to worry about the safety of the workers, food & drink. Thank you !
We apologies to you on an incident happened at our shop last night (17th July 2019) at about 11pm. A pervert placed a pinhole camera inside his own brush and put at the corner of the toilet (see photo). One of our regular customers found it and reported to our shop supervisor. We have removed the pinhole camera immediately and logged a police report.
Fortunately, police has checked and confirmed no any video was recorded inside the SD card. A suspicious man was suspected from our CCTV record and customer’s statement, however we have no any physical evidence or did not caught him on the spot during the incident. Thus we are sorry that we couldn’t post out his photo for public awareness.
We are posting out this incident hoping our customers are aware of this, especially the females. Please stay alert if you are using public toilet and report to the shop owner if you find any unusual in the toilet.
For today onwards, we promised to enhance our security at the shop and will be more alert on any suspicious items appear in the shop and the toilet.