不同国家都有不同的语言文化,而马来西亚的独有风格就是大马式的英文,中文(Mandarin)+英文(English)等于 “Manglish”!这样的英文应该只有大马人才读得懂吧…?哈哈哈!
一名大马男生近日用 Manglish 写了一段自己的分手故事,既令人心疼但又忍不住笑!
▼ 网友们还礼貌地用 “Manglish” 评论呢!
▼ 第一次发现自己的英文这么好!哈哈哈~
这位刚失恋的大马男生近日在“UTAR Confessions”发文诉苦引起网友们的关注,原因是他写的不是中文也不是正式的英文,而是 “Manglish”,大马最接地气的一种语文!文中夹杂了中文拼音、英文还有粤语呢!
I come here to tou gao, I want write hua yu, but then i saw admin say they gu li us tou gao in English. I try try sin. U all try try see, see can understand mou.
Yesterday, I fen shou+ed with my gf, she said under MCO, we stay in different home very hard to continue the bf gf life, like normal couple things also cannot do like kiss kiss also cannot, we only can kiss the phone screen.

I say, this is no choice de, because virus very dangerous, and also my job and study just around Subang and she also need to work which near Cheras, she also stay there.
But she just don’t want wait, she say she go many many boy q for her for dating, I say why is our relationship so fragile de meh, just stay different only nine months then kena break up, and she want another boy boy ady.

She answered,
“”MCO is not an excuses make us break up, is me no feeling on u jor. I got feeling on another boy boy ady, u see u, only know how the make roti, you know how to make me happy or not mou? you don’t know, you just muk, you just stupid and some more is a zap fan boy.””

After she say this out, I jing jing and say nothing, I just wanna to say this sadness out through here. After I come to UTAR google form, I notice, she want break out with me not actually like the above what she say, above not the main reason of why we break up, the real reason is my English is sucks. I hope admin team can change their mind, I need hua yu, if not I cannot tou gao again jor. I will si with no place to tu ku shui.
tq admin, sum fu sai.

我说这是没办法的,因为病毒很危险,加上我的工作和学习都在 Subang 附近,她也需要在 Cheras 附近上班并住在那里。

她讲出来以后,我静静没话说。我只是想在这里诉诉苦。自从我来到 UTAR Google form,我才发现她要跟我分手的真正原因其实不是以上她所说的,是我的英文太烂了。我希望管理员能够改变想法,我需要华语,不然的话我不能再投稿了,我就没有地方吐苦水了。

▼ 太 xi huan 这种写法了!
▼ 确实是分手(+过去式)!写得很对!

▼ 这条评论读不懂?试一试读成广东话就懂了!
▼ 有的网友则好奇他前女友的英文水平。
▼ 网友表达了自己的看法,认为贴主应该付出多一点。
▼ 为你加油!像你这样的“zap fan boy”是大马的宝藏男孩,一定会遇到更好的!
来源:UTAR Confessions 2021/2022 / Facebook
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